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An interview with the Founder/CEO - BRAWLEY
How is Brawley?I'm extremely blessed and favored by the creator of the universe.
What is ABOVE .500?In the sports world, a teams winning percentage is determined by how many games are won divided by how many games were played. Being ABOVE .500 conveys a team has more wins than losses. In life, we sometimes take more losses than wins, but our obstacles cannot be a factor in our path to success. We have to learn to accept our losses and realize even if you're on a losing streak you can still end up a champion. That being said, ABOVE .500 is an up and coming non-profit organization for our young boys and girls. We organize special events at our local schools to inject the concept of believing and not giving up, thru the principles of sports.
When did you first envision such a dream?I had an epiphany. I was going thru some of the hardest times of my life. I felt like giving up...I practically did. I put everything into Gods hands and started thinking positive at a level of extrem, where I was believing something was going to happen without having a clue on how or when it was going to happen. This is when I discovered the power of Faith. As my faith got stronger my dreams and goals got bigger.
How has your life been shaped in motivating such a desire to reach out?I grew up like any other minority in the US, parents were immigrants with no college education just trying to make a living. Somewhere along our early years, the majority of us were taught to settle and at some point we get in that comfort zone. Without a mentor its harder to get out of that mentality, we stop dreaming and start aiming low. Its time to open up our third eyes and aim high without fear of failing.
Where do you wish to take Above .500 over the next 12 months?Our goal right now is to schedule more rally’s and events at local schools. Our eventual goal consists of nationwide conventions, amateur leagues and a unique personal service we call “Vitality Confidants” which are certified mentors/ life coaches that guide you mentally, financially and spiritually.
What needs to happen for you to get there?To continue this momentum, I have to continue to stay on this frequency and by that I mean keeping this positive energy. We’re building the right team who believe in the same vision and has the same passion and optimism. But most importantly the thought alone of believing that I will get there will get me there.
Who are the partners you wish to reach in collaboration with Above .500?I definitely see myself working with the Boys and Girls Club, AAU, and NBA, MLB, NFL, NCAA. Really, with anybody and everybody, we build and connect.
If Above .500 can just touch one individual right now who would it be and why?I would like to touch that one individual who had huge dreams and were told that they were too “big” and to think more “realistic”. They were fooled into thinking that they don’t have an opportunity to accomplish whatever it is they wanted regardless of how “crazy” it may sound. I want them to aim high.
Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?Jalen James Acosta. He is the one who opened the door for my way of thinking, he showed me the law of attraction and opened my “third eye”. He conditioned my mind and taught me that even the words impossible says “IM POSSIBLE” . Whatever it is that you want to do you can do, and you start by visioning it, the more you vision the more you believe, and from belief comes confidence, once you build that level of confidence that you can do it, you simply go after it and get it done.
What don’t we know about Brawley Sanchez that you would want the world to know?I just want everyone to know how powerful our mind is, whatever we believe is true, so I want people to believe they can do whatever they desire.
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